
Thursday, April 12, 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

my game on scratch

my game Scratch
hey guys Today i’ll want to show you some of my games
here is my side scrolling platformer stick figure adventure

Now I will talk about how it works
First in your character you need to make a variable called scrollX and put in
when flag is clicked set scrollX to 60 and makes it so when left arrow are
pressed change scrollX by 5 and if right arrow key is pressed change scrollX
by -5. Next you will need to make some new sprites called terrain 1,2,3,4 so
on so on and in the sprites you need to put in when clicked go to X:0 Y:0,forever
set x to scrollX + 480 x 0 then go into the next terrain and change 0 to 0.8 then
keep on changing it more and more. To Jump you will need to put if up arrow
key is pressed repeat ten times change y by 20. Next you will need gravity to do
that you will need to put in if touching color color of terrain chang y by 10 then
if not touching color color of terrein change y by -10. then to make you die by
lava you will need to put when the flag is clicked show if touching color red aka lava
hide and stop all. the character doesn't move the terrain moves.

If you don't understand it’s ok because I've been coding for a while now see you
guys next time bye.